The Knee Surgeon

Hyaluronic Acid Injections

Hyaluronic acid injections, also known as viscosupplementation, involve injecting a gel-like solution of hyaluronic acid into the knee joint in order to help lubricate the joint and reduce pain and inflammation.

Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance found in the body, particularly in the joints and connective tissues. It plays an important role in lubricating the joints and helping to absorb shock and distribute pressure during movement.

In patients with knee osteoarthritis, the level of hyaluronic acid in the joint may be reduced, leading to increased pain and inflammation. By injecting hyaluronic acid directly into the joint, it is possible to supplement the natural supply of the substance and improve joint function.

Hyaluronic acid injections are typically administered over a series of one to five injections, depending on the patient’s condition and response to treatment. The injections are minimally invasive and are performed in an outpatient setting, with little to no downtime required.

While hyaluronic acid injections have shown promise in reducing pain and improving function in patients with knee osteoarthritis, the effectiveness of the treatment can vary depending on the individual patient’s condition, the severity of their symptoms, and other factors. Some patients may experience significant improvement in their symptoms, while others may experience little to no benefit.

Hyaluronic acid injections are generally considered safe and well-tolerated, with minimal risk of adverse reactions or complications. However, as with any medical procedure, it is important for patients to discuss the risks and benefits of hyaluronic acid injections with their healthcare provider before undergoing the treatment.